
The supplement industry is getting bigger day by day. With new supplements coming up every quarter supported by cutting edge science and technology. However, the two supplements that stood the test of time in terms of efficiency and scientific backup are “Whey Protein Supplements” and “Creatine”.

These are hands down the best supps you can spend your hard earned money on. However, a lot of people are unaware or maybe bewildered when it comes to finding out the optimal time to consume these supplements. Consuming these supplements at the right time can boost your potential muscle gains by great percentage!

So let me throw some light on this. There is this myth or incorrect information floating around since ages that consuming your scoop of whey protein immediately post workout is extremely crucial.

This is referred to as the “Anabolic Window”. People think that  if they don’t consume the protein within 10-30mins post workout they will lose the portal to golden muscle gains.


Bleh. Bullshit!

According to the studies on the nutrient timing, it has been revealed that post workout the Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) is increased to a great extent. Higher MPS leads to better uptake of nutrients and protein by the muscles, thus, inducing muscle growth. However, this window is as large as 24-36 hours!

Thus, not consuming whey protein immediately post workout won’t hinder your gains.

However, some things to keep in mind are that according the studies conducted,

it is necessary to consume high quality protein (21 amino acids profile) every few hours to stimulate MPS. Thus, if you have consumed a pre-workout meal that consists of atleast 20-25gms of protein then, that is enough to stimulate Muscle Protein Synthesis till 2-3 hours even post workout. Thus, you can have your protein shake or protein rich meal like chicken and rice, egg and mix veggies even with a delay post workout.


If you have not consumed any protein rich meal for 3-4 hours before working out then it is advisable or rather imperative to consume whey protein ASAP post workout to avoid catabolism and increase MPS.

PRO TIP: Check your nutrition label to ensure that the protein has at least 2.5-3gms of leucine per scoop!

Now, we address Creatine!


Creatine is most researched and scientifically proven supplement ever! However, the misconception among a lot of gym rats about this amusing supplement is that they think of it as some sort of pre-workout supplement that would enhance their immediate workout session. This is totally untrue!

 Creatine can help increase lean muscle mass and is also responsible for improving performance by increasing strength, endurance, and energy levels. Creatine hydrates muscle cells with water molecules, causing muscle fibers to become bigger and stronger.Thus, Creatine works long term, it increases your strength in the gym over a period of time and lets you squeeze out those extra reps!


For creatine to be work, it needs to be absorbed maximally by the body and hence, the best time to consume is POST- WORKOUT. Post- workout the body is  in deprived state and like sponge that will absorb all the nutrients provided at much faster rate. Also, fast absorbing carbs like maltodextrin or glucose act as a catalyst when consumed with creatine. On rest days its advisable to consume creatine in the morning along with your breakfast.

So say no to bro-science and follow actual scientific evidence to make optimal gains in muscle size and performance!

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(Fitness Professional, Fitness Counsellor, K11 Certified Coach, Blogger)