
Hey FitFam, I’m back with a new article for my lovely blog viewers , after a short break on here.
Today, I’m gonna be throwing some light on a topic which  would be very helpful for all vegetarian fitness enthusiasts out there.
Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions like, “Hey Coach, I’m a vegetarian and find it difficult to get adequate amount of protein in my diet?”

Well, I’m gonna get the  guesswork out of the picture here and provide you with a list of high protein vegetarian protein sources that’ll make you fit: lose fat and build muscle!
So without further ado, lets get on with the list:

1) Skim Milk:


Milk is one of the best protein sources you could get your hands on! Period.
A complete protein (contains all the essential and non-essential amino acids) that contains 80% of casein protein which is slow releasing, thus, feeding your muscles for hours!
Followed by 20% whey protein, well we all know the wonders of whey!
Not to forget the added calcium that’ll help in strengthening your bones.
A cup(250ml) of milk should provide you with 10-15gms of protein depending on the brand of milk you buy, thus always read the nutrition label!



Tofu is soy product, very similar to paneer.
Cooking options are endless, you can cook them in chinese gravy, just grill them, make a bhurji or scrambled.
If you know good recipes, you’re up for tantalizing your taste buds!Haha.
Macros: Per 100gms should provide you with 20gms of protein!

3)Paneer OR Cottage Cheese:


Paneer, also a product derived from milk, thus also one of the complete protein sources available to vegetarians.
Its very popular among a vegetarian gym goers, almost a staple I could say!
I’m soon gonna be writing an article on High Protein Recipes (Delicious & Healthy AF) where there will be chocolate protein pancakes, smoothies, non-veg options followed
by some finger licking paneer and veg protein recipes!
Macros: Per 100gm would give high quality 20 gms of protein.
In my opinion and according to the amino acid profile that I’ve did a study on, Paneer would be always superior to Tofu, but
you can mix it up for variety as VARIATION is very important because:
🔱You get different micro.    nutrients from various foods.
🔱To avoid boredom. If you get bored you’ll tend to slack off from your diet.

4)Greek Yoghurt:


Greek Yoghurt is great addition to your diet, it contains many probiotics for good health!
High protein, being a milk derivative, would provide you with 10-15gms of protein per serving!
So some cold low fat yoghurt with your meals would be great idea!



Very famous in Indian Kitchens:
🔱Kidney Beans(Rajma)
🔱Chickpeas (Chole) P.s: Doesn’t mean you can hog on Chole Bhature! Oh man, the thought of it is mouth watering. Gotta contol.
🔱Various Dals like Moong Dal and stuff(18gms protein per cup)
and there’s a big list!
One cup should give you 15gms of protein but accompanied by high carbs, so good for gaining weight, but if you’re on a fat loss diet, better to limit them.

6) Peanuts:


Peanuts or Peanut Butter are a staple in bodybuilders or gym goers diet!
Lots of benefits 1 tbsp (32gms) provides you with 8gms of proteins!
It has a good amount of healthy fats too.
P.S: Dietary Fat and Subcutaneous/Visceral Fat OR Bodyfat are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS! DO NOT SHY AWAY FROM HEALTHY FATS.
I shall soon write an article on it as well.
This fat will help boost your testosterone levels and keep you satiated and curb hunger, thus, less bodyfat and more muscle!
I say its a Muscle Building Powerhouse!

7)Protein Supplements (Whey,Casein):


Whey Protein is considered to be the supreme source of high quality protein, having a biological value of a whooping 104!
Its has added essential amino acids, and immunity boosting propertiess.
Often fast absorbed.Best consumed post workout as it will reach your muscles within 20minutes where as a chicken,egg or paneer meal would take 1-2hrs ,thus delaying muscle repair.
It will help in quicker recovery of muscles.
🔱Protein Pancakes
🔱Protein Cookies
🔱Protein Muffins
🔱Protein Cheesecakes
🔱Protein Oats
and numerous others to give your taste buds a treat while repairing muscle tissue and losing fat!
Macros: Depends on the brand.
Example: Ultimtate Nutrition Prostar Whey has 25gms Protein per scoop of 30gms!
So yeah next time GET WHEYSTED, NOT WASTED!

One last item, I forgot to mention is soyabeans, very high in protein but, guys better limit it to twice a week due to the high estrogen(female hormone) content in it which could be detrimental to your goals.

So guys that’s about it. Hope you guys can now get adequate protein in and start making some gains!

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Thankyou, love you all!
Keep Sharing!

(Fitness Professional, Fitness Counsellor, K11 Certified Coach, Blogger)