e28c5a4161751939eff83188a4ed7b8bBeing a fitness coach, one of the questions I get very often, especially from teens is “How do I get huge pecs?” Well, as we all know, chest is one muscle group males are most obsessed with. Having huge pectoral muscles just trying bust out of your slim fit tees. Feels so good. So today I’m gonna give y’all some pointers on how to grow your pecs to infinity!

1.) Always start your workout with multi-joint exercises:

Multi joint exercises refers to those involving more than 2 joints. For example, bench presses: shoulder and elbow joint.

Focus more on Decline Bench Press than the traditional Flat Bench Press as the Decline covers or recruits almost 60% of chest muscle fibers. Thus, hit it hard and heavy when you’re fresh and have the most energy.

2.) Minimize Shoulder Recruitment on Incline Bench Press:

Many a times I’ve seen my new clients complaining about more stress on shoulders namely anterior delts while doing incline bench press. This can seriously hinder their upper chest growth, resulting in a lagging body part.

Thus, always make sure your bench is inclined at an angle of 30 degrees and ensure that you press straight up and down in the line of gravity, avoid going too wide or out of proportion or you may just end up doing a fly.

I’ve seen many guys doing a fly in the name of a bench. Fucking morons think bench half and fly half. If you cant handle the weight, drop it down. Period.


3.) Compound, Isolate and Variate.

If you want big pecs, you gotta work for it. You need to bench heavy. Don’t always stick to the hypertrophy range of 8-12 reps (also anything higher than 15 reps is just BS for cutting or size)

Thus once or twice month, focus on low reps and heavy weight to increase muscular strength i.e use a weight in which you can’t squeeze out more than 5-6 reps.You can also follow the 5 * 5 Strength Training Program to get your strength blow through the rooftop!

After you’ve put in enough work in compound presses move on to isolation exercises like Pec Flies, Incline Dumbbell Fly, Cable 21’s is a great isolation exercise to stimulate different muscle fibers from all angles, hitting 7 reps from each angle.


4.) What to do for chest imbalances?

Another commonly asked question. Few guys have complained that their one pec is bigger than the other.

One of the most common reasons for this is, the use of barbells for bench pressing. If one of you arms/pec is more dominant or stronger it will apply more force to push the barbell up making up for the weaker one. Hence you end up having a bigger pec on one side.

Cure: Use dumbbells instead of barbell as this provides you with a unilateral benefit and also a reality check LOL!

Thus while benching the stronger arm or pec won’t be able to help out the weaker one and the weaker one will have to apply its own force and thus lead into growth.

5.) Periodization of your training:


One of the most important things to avoid hitting a plateau( a point where you get stuck with no more muscle gain even when everything else is on point). This is where periodization comes in.

It means there should be a period of time when you go for strength training especially when you’re on a caloric surplus, followed by hypertrophy or over reaching phase where your strength has already increased from the previous phase and now you can press more weight for more reps than you could earlier, thus sparking new growth.

I highly recommend hiring a fitness coach who can give your proper peroidization so that you never hit a plateau and achieve the physique of your dreams!

Lastly, I would urge you all to stay motivated, stay hungry and passionate about your goals.

Always keep your nutrition and rest in check, remember you grow when you rest, not when you’re in the gym. After using these tips you’d be like :



Enjoy training! Now go bang your chest and lemme know if my tips were useful!

For online and offline coaching and PT: shivlaniharsh@gmail.com


Instagram & Snapchat: harsh_shivlani