
“How do I get rid of this?” Men and women of every shape and size ask me this question all the time, pointing to their bellies with puzzled faces.

It’s the million-dollar question, and many companies are making more money instead of offering answers. But you don’t need to spend a dime to tighten and tone those abdominals, though. You only need to understand a few things about the human body.



Many television ads are now pitching devices that supposedly stimulate muscles so that they contract over and over without exercise. I even saw an infomercial for an “ab belt” that claimed it does the work of 700sit-ups in ten minutes! The ad shows people doing various abdominal exercises the wrong way, hating every second of it, versus smiling men and women going about their days with “Ab-whatevers” strapped around them. How enticing!

Several people in these ads claim to have lost inches around the waist as a result of using these products. Many inches. Men with six-pack abs give credit to the device. This is feeding the viewership’s disillusionment about how to lose the belly. Strengthening the abs alone (and these machines couldn’t possibly do much of that) just won’t do it.

Why is this? Because of the fat! If a heavy woman does hundreds of crunches a day, she may develop strong abs, and they might tighten up a bit, but she’ll still have lots of fat covering them up, and she won’t look any thinner.
Doing crunches will not get rid of this fat, and neither will the vibrating belt in the television ads.

“Your body fat is like one organ, located throughout your body, and you can’t take it off of just one spot unless you have liposuction done.  



The best way to reduce bodyfat is to do a combination if cardiovascular activities and high intensity weight training, infact anything that raises your heart rate to training zone and keep its there for atleast 20mins. This will burn much more fat via consuming lots of calories using EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption). For more detailed info about this checkout my previous blog: if you haven’t yet!
Cardiovascular activities may include:
1) Swimming
4)Dancing and many more.

In terms of weight training, opt for compound exercises that require more effort such as squats, deadlifts, military shoulder press, rack pulls, bench press. These exercises activate the core and hence will also train your abdominal muscles( abs) simultaneously.

As you lose subcutaneous fat, your skin will become more taut. As the fat within your muscles decreases, you will appear more toned and less flabby.


Always work your abs at the end of your workout. There’s a good reason for this. You are indirectly using them for all the other exercises you do.

The abs are important stabilizer muscles that keep your form in check. If you do abs first, you will tire them out, and your whole workout will be less than optimal. Work down from the largest to the smallest muscles.



The most important thing you need to do is to program yourself mentally. Don’t use a scale to measure your progress. If you work out with weights, you may gain a few pounds while losing inches around the waist. Instead, use that pair of jeans that you want to fit into again, or a pair that fits you now. You’ll see a slight change every few weeks, and that should give you confidence.

Walk as tall as you can. Do back and leg stretches daily to improve your posture. When you’re driving to work, sit up nice and straight and adjust the rear-view mirror so that you’ll know when you’re slouching. Don’t let your shoulders fall forward when you’re at your desk. You can look a size smaller just by doing these things.

So to conclude, don’t give into those TV ads and gimmicks, work your ass off & earn that shit.

If you are new to the gym or still unaware about such more important facts that could be hindering your fat loss progress, I would like to advise you to hire someone certified who has the knowledge in the respected field to guide you so that you can train smart, save time and get fit. If you’d like to opt for my online training (includes training programs, diet tips, full online support via calls and whatsapp, daily motivation and guidance)
Or Offline training at your own gym, you can email me at:
Or Whatsapp at: 9920791917.
If you follow my instructions religiously, I GUARANTEE you results or else YOUR MONEY BACK!
Harsh Shivlani
( K11 Certified Fitness Trainer)