How To Get Big Arms?


So you’re tired of being the guy hitting your biceps every now and then & still ending up with small, weak arms while your friends are getting bigger and stronger.

My bet is if you’ve been training for any length of time and are the proverbial easy-gainer (good genetics) then you probably wouldn’t even be reading this article. If you’re an easy-gainer just about anything you do works to build bigger muscles. (I’ve always hated those guys!)

If you’re like the rest of us, you’ve had to practically sweat blood for every single ounce of muscle you’ve built. Don’t feel bad, you’re not alone, my friend!

When you’re in the gym, you may come across many such people who have been lifting for a long time, having absolutely no knowledge behind the science of weight training & giving you shitty advises. Don’t give into it.

Well, If you want the correct advise and guidance, backed up by science you’ve come to the right place.

Here are some common mistakes hindering your progress and how to improve them:

Concentrating Only On Biceps:

bicep vs tricep

  • Surely, who doesn’t want big biceps. All ready to show your guns, busting and tearing out of your t shirt.
  • But, if you want bigger “Arms”, you need to know , it not only includes your biceps, but also your damn
  • Triceps form 2/3 or you can say at least 65% of your arms while your biceps are just 1/3 or 35% of your arms.
  • So now you know which one has the ability to grow more in size and ultimately give you huge arms.


Not Using Proper Form:


  • It’s Saturday and you’re all pumped to hit the gym and train arms. You’re training with your buddy and see this beautiful fit chick watching you so you decide to add more plates on barbell and start lifting and end up using your shoulders, back and legs rather than just using your biceps.
  • Sorry to say, but, this will not improve your impression on that chick nor will your biceps grow.
  • Its important that you use proper form and technique while lifting if you are serious about getting results. For example, avoid moving your shoulder and elbow ahead while curling. As it will work the shoulders too which you are not focusing on.
  • A few cheat reps(2-3 max) in the end of your heavy set is okay. But, if you’re cheating since the first rep, its too heavy, lower the weight, we are not here to do ego lifting.

Get Some Variation:


  • Every time you train arms, you stick to the same old barbell curls and tricep pushdowns.
  • Evolve my friend, variety is the spice of life. Try hitting your arms form various angles by incorporating exercises like incline dumbbell curls, preacher curls, 21’s, parallel bar dips, overhead tricep extension, rope pushdowns.
  • Incorporate supersets (2 exercises performed back to back without any rest), drop sets, giants sets, etc to the get the blood flowing, so that the muscles gets filled with nutrient rich blood.

Inadequate Nutrition:

Arnold Eating_2

  • I’ve always stressed on this, if you don’t get in enough protein, no matter how heavy you lift, how great your form and technique is, how hard you’ve worked, it’ll all go to waste.
  • If you want results you gotta eat my man. Eat Big, Lift Big, Get Big!
  • Its as simple as it gets, when you workout you break down muscle, if you don’t provide it with protein to repair itself it’ll not get stronger nor will you see an increase in size.
  • In fact you may even have muscle loss, if you have low protein intake and high or advanced level workout intensity. So spare the muscle, eat your protein.

Inadequate Rest:


  • Rest is a very important for recovery. A muscle may require 48-72 hours to require especially in case of bigger muscles. However arms may require 48hours.
  • Hence, it’s important not to train them every now and then, allow them to recover. As muscle grow when they are resting, not in the gym. For example: Avoid training triceps the day after training your shoulders or chest as they are already worked on during that workout.

Now that you know, the common mistakes you committed, go ahead and improve them & I’m sure you will see “Gains”.

I wish you success in your training and hope to hear that you gained that magical extra inch on your guns over time.

“Patience, Hardwork & Consistency is the Key.”

Keep grinding fellas! Until next time.

For enquiries, online & offline coaching at reasonable rates, feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Harsh Shivlani

(K11 Certified Personal Trainer)