#1 Fitness Tool Women Aren’t Using!


Most of the women have the tendency to avoid weights and turn to cardio for staying “fit” and getting lean. However, the contribution of the same in fat loss is negligible as compared to weight training.

Another reason they come up with is, they’re afraid they might get big muscles and look nasty. Come on, seriously? Haha. NO, YOU WON’T.


To all such women out there, y’all won’t get as muscular as men due to presence of the female sex hormone (estrogen) in higher quantities which favor fat deposition or accumulation of fat predominantly in the waist and thighs. Unlike the male sex hormone (testosterone) in men which promotes muscle gain and anabolism.  Women do possess testosterone but, in much lesser quantity. So why should they weight train anyways, following are some of the important reasons to do so, read up carefully ladies 😉

Improved Bone Density:


  • As women grow older, they tend to loose calcium from their bones leading to age-related degenerative diseases like “Osteoporosis”, “Osteoarthritis”, etc.
  • Weight training places positive stress on the bones and with appropriate calcium supplementation, one can help avoid such diseases to a certain extent.

Improvement in BMR (better fat-loss):


  • BMR i.e. Basal Metabolic Rate, it is the rate at which your body burn calories in the resting state.
  • Women tend to accumulate more fat or adipose tissue& predominantly in the waist and thighs due to the presence of estrogen.
  • An intense weight training session elevates the BMR through a process known as EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) this process brings the body to equilibrium by using oxygen and uses fatty acids to obtain energy. This process consumes calories. Hence, you end up by burning calories even in the state of rest. Thus, leading to elevation of BMR and ultimately fat-loss.

Improvement in GPP (General Physical Preparedness):


  • Doing Structural, Compound, & Unsupported movements such as squats, deadlifts,etc, helps to improve overall strength and functionality of the body making the women independent to carry out daily life activities requiring physical exertion with ease.
  • Therefore, shifting furniture, carry groceries or shopping bags, moving gas cylinders can be a almost a piece of cake. Haha, or you know can be done without the need of someone’s help. Impressive, aye? Read on there’s more.

Anti-Ageing Effect:


  • Fat is shapeless and unattractive. Well, Muscle on the other hand is pleasing and attractive. Flabs add years to women’s age.
  • High intensity weight training gives a pleasing firm and toned body making her look younger and much more appealing. Well, can’t ignore this, right? I mean which woman does not want to look younger than her age!
  • Moreover, when the bones are strong, she keeps herself from age related bone diseases like Arthritis.
  • A cherry on the cake is the good glutes development (as you can see in the picture). All credit to Squats!

Here comes one of the important one, saved it for the last.



  • High intensity weight training including structural, compound & unsupported movements engages the core muscles(Abs, obliques, lower back muscles) and make them stronger.
  • Having a strong core has its benefits during the stages of pregnancy and delivery including faster recovery, and the female has relatively less back pain in later stages.

Now that you the know benefits, don’t be just a cardio bunny!

Don’t run away from weights as they are your best option for fat loss and getting in shape within no time.

What are you waiting for?

Hit the gym, ladies! Here is a video to get you all motivated.

Stay tuned for more. 😉

Any doubts, enquiries or suggestions, please do feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Harsh Shivlani

(K11 Certified Personal Trainer)

Stay tuned for more. 😉